Common Cold and Flu

Common Cold and Flu: Symptoms, Causes, and Remedies

A virus that affects the nose and throat, the common cold and flu is usually harmless but can be uncomfortable.

Usually, recovery takes seven to ten days, while smokers’ effects linger longer. The causes of common cold and flu are upper respiratory tract infections that affect the windpipe, sinuses, nose, and throat. Common cold and flu symptoms occur in anyone, whether adults or children.

Common cold symptoms

Common cold symptoms usually develop gradually. Common cold duration is divided into three stages: early, active, and late.

Early: Individuals might experience a tickling in their throat in the early stages of a cold, a frequent symptom reported in half of all cold cases. Other typical symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, coughing, and a sore throat.

Active: Symptoms usually intensify or peak at this stage, and include body pains, headaches, runny eyes and nose, fatigue, and fever, which are more common in children.

Late: Colds usually go away during the healing stage of a respiratory infection, but certain symptoms, like a persistent cough that can last up to two months, may stay.

If symptoms increase or fever returns, it is conceivable that another viral infection or problem, like bronchitis, sinusitis, or pneumonia, has occurred.

Common cold symptoms in children include a runny nose, sneezing, fever, loss of appetite, cough, irritability, etc.

Remedies for the common cold

1. Hydration tips: Water, juice, soup, or a glass of warm lemon water containing honey may help alleviate nasal congestion and prevent dehydration. Stay away from alcohol, coffee, and drinks with caffeine, since these may increase dehydration.

2. Resting and recovery: Your body takes time to recover.

3. Sore throat relief: While a saltwater gargle might provide temporary relief, children under six may struggle. Other cures are ice chips, sore throat sprays, tablets, and hard sweets, but use caution owing to the danger of choking.

4. Overcome discomfort: Saline nasal drops and sprays can help relieve discomfort and congestion in newborns and older children.

Experts recommend gently suctioning the nose with a bulb syringe along with applying saline nasal spray.

5. Add moisture to the air: Using a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier can assist in relieving congestion in your house. Change the water every day and clean the machine according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

6. Over-the-counter cold medicine: OTC decongestants, antihistamines, and painkillers may alleviate symptoms in adults and children aged 5 and above, but they do not prevent or reduce colds and frequently have adverse effects. They should not be administered to young children owing to overuse and abuse. Visit a cold and flu clinic before taking any pediatric cold treatments, and follow the directions on cold remedy labels to avoid misuse.

What is Flu?

The flu is a common illness caused by the influenza virus that produces fever, body aches, coughing, and a stuffy nose. Pregnant women and individuals with underlying health issues are more likely to experience serious consequences. Vaccination is suggested yearly.

Causes of flu

The influenza virus is the reason behind the causes of flu.

Flu symptoms

1. Flu symptoms can appear fast. You may begin to feel unwell approximately 1 to 7 days after coming into contact with the virus. Most symptoms occur within two to three days.

2. The flu swiftly spreads. It has the potential to touch a significant number of individuals in a relatively short period.

3. The initial symptom is a temperature ranging from 102°F (39°C) to 106°F (41°C), with adults often having a lower fever than children.

Home remedies for common cold and flu

There are identical medical measures for cold and flu prevention:

1. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help in fever management, but aspirin must be avoided. Symptoms can be relieved with over-the-counter cold medications, cough suppressants like drops, or throat sprays. Rest, liquids, and alcohol avoidance are essential.

2. Ginger, with its antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, can be used to relieve muscle pain and manage nausea by simmering raw ginger root in boiling water for tea.

3. Mild flu symptoms typically subside within 3-4 days, but severe flu complications may require medication.

4. Long-term health conditions, radiation therapy, and certain medications increase the risk of influenza complications. Antiviral medications work best within two days.

5. Citrus fruits, red peppers, and green leafy vegetables contain vitamin C, which is beneficial for immune system boosters and can assist with colds.

6. Healthy habits to avoid flu are consuming warm fluids, lemon juice or lemonade can help decrease phlegm during an illness, but it will not prevent or lessen the length of the cold.


The common cold is a ubiquitous and largely harmless virus that affects the nose and throat, particularly in adults and young children. Recovery typically takes seven to ten days, although it can last longer for smokers.

Common symptoms include sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, and a sore throat, which tend to aggravate before gradually decreasing. The therapy is centered on symptom reduction, which includes staying hydrated, resting, using saline nasal drops, and steam inhalation. 

Over-the-counter medications may be beneficial, but they should be used with caution, particularly with children. The flu, caused by the influenza virus, has similar symptoms but is more serious, the best treatments for flu are rest, fluids, and, in some cases, antivirals.

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